Saturday, November 05, 2005

Fall Preliminary Madonna

Overall Look
The Main Structure

Detail of Section with Unconditional Love

Main Madonna
Main Madonna

Paisley Border
I plan to cut the bottom paisleys and add the roses as applique in the quilt's body


allie aller said...

I LOVE this....there is no deeper weel to drink from than Hers. I think a lot about the connection between God as Divine Mother and the source of our creativity...

allie aller said...

so sorry...I meant *well*...!

Barbara C said...

It's good to see what you're working on, and to see that you're working in brown and lace too. I look forward to seeing what comes next. I'm almost done with my brown Madonna, but the gold one still has a way to go. It looks like this will be a larger piece. How big is it?